things you can do to to help your
daughter succeed:
your daughter get dirty.
2. Encourage
her to participate in sports.
3. Introduce
her to strong female role models.
4. Support
your daughter in pursuing her interests.
5. See that she learns some mechanical,
building, and repairing skills, and becomes
familiar with tools.
6. Video
tape your child engaged in physical
activities such as sports, plays,
and building and fixing projects.
7. Both
parents should regularly visit their
children's classrooms.
8. Both
parents should take their children to
visit workplaces that show
non-traditional gender roles.
Also, take them to see the workplaces of
their choice.
9. Have
high expectations in the areas of math
and science.
10. Give
your daughter compliments about
specific actions instead of
generic praise.
11. Be a great role model!