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Lavinia's Window


Equity Sites
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 Ask For the Raise You Deserve!

37% of educators at colleges and universities are women earning and average of  $39,998 while the average man makes $51,896.  74% of Pre-K thru high school teachers are women who earn $33,488 as opposed to male teachers who earn $38,792.  
Source: Bureau of Labor and Statistics


TAKING THE BULLY BY THE HORNS by By Kathy Noll & Jay Carter, MA PsyD 

Read articles about
Kathy Noll's Article on Child Violence    Empowering Kids to Deal with Bullies & Low Self-Esteem 
Advice & Statistics for Parents & Teachers (Schools)    
Bully Advice for Kids

Top 10 
Things you can do to promote gender equity in your classroom:

1 Call on girls as often as you call on boys.
2 Encourage girls to speak up in class.
3 Do not allow gender referencing in your class room.  Comments like, "This is 'Sissy stuff'." or "Only boys play sports", have no place in the classroom.
4 Go out of your way to integrate women in history in your lesson plan.
5 Provide gender-fair materials.
6 Show your enthusiasm in all subject areas.
7 Educate yourself of the differences in learning styles.  
8 Encourage girls at a young age to learn about non-traditional career areas such as math and science. 
9 Educate yourself and peers on gender bias in the classroom.  
10 Be a role model!


Note to Teachers:
Being aware of classroom inequities is just the beginning.  The most important thing you can do for a child of any age is help them increase and maintain their self-esteem.  Do this by celebrating their individuality and what they add to the world.   

Gender Equity - Lesson Plans and Teacher Guide. 

Self Assessment on Gender Equity

Teacher Tools

Reading Level Assessment

Plagiarism.org Detecting Plagiarism in the Computer Age

NYTimes Learning Network



Does Jane Compute? : Preserving Our Daughters' Place in the Cyber Revolution
Roberta Furger

Assessment for Equity and Inclusion : Embracing All Our Children (Transforming Teaching Series)
A. Lin Goodwin 


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